Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Best Chart Titles Ever!

Using Dynamic Chart Titles has been one of the most popular topics of this blog. Since dynamically controlling your chart’s Titles can make your charts even better, it is fitting to look at this fantastic technique one more time. Believe me, if you are looking for an “Oh, Wow! feature for your next report that includes a chart, a Dynamic Chart Title is for you! By linking the chart title to a value displayed in a specific cell on your worksheet, you can create a very accessible chart that will amaze and delight your users (and maybe garner you the attention you deserve…).

For example, we will presume you have a table of data and a chart that changes dynamically every time you change the value in a dropdown box. It is then remarkably easy to create our eye-catching title functionality:

1. Create your chart linking it to your dynamic table
2. Select your chart by clicking on it
3. Click the Chart menu and choose Chart Options
4. From the Chart Options window, click on the Chart Title box
5. Enter a temporary placeholder value (Such as “Chart1) and click OK
6. Make sure the temporary title is selected and click the Formula Bar above the sheet
7. Type "=" then click on the cell that contains the dropdown box, (simply created using Validation/List), and click Enter

How Totally Cool is That!  Now every time you change the Name or Value in the Drop-Down, the Chart Automatically Updates its Title! This is an advanced, (but effortless) way to make the charts in your report Stand Out from the mundane masses.

Seriously, give this technique a try; you’re going to like it!

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