Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Excel 2016

Yes, it is that time again when we can have some Fun looking at the Latest and Greatest upcoming version of Excel.  Excel 2016 is packed with a lot of new goodies, and can be can be previewed in beta form if you wish.  Let’s take a look at just a few of the new features:

Power Query
Power Query, one of the current Go-To apps of Excel business analysts.  Previously an Add-In, it is now native-functionality in Excel.  Microsoft Power Query for Excel provides an Intuitive User experience for uncovering, combining, and refining data across a wide variety of outside sources.  Really Nice!

New Pivot Table Grouping Option
The Pivot Table is, as most of you know, one of the most powerful and simple-to-use tools in any Excel Guru’s repertoire.  A new Multiple-Result Time Grouping adds a new, quick dimension without entailing any extra work.  Pretty Cool…

Forecasting Functions
As a past business analyst, I have done a great deal of Forecasting using Excel.  Now, under the Data grouping, there is a brand new Forecast Sheet function that brings new clout to Excel’s tricks.  Good Stuff!

Slicer Multi-Select Tool
There’s a new Hammer Icon on a slicer, make slicers easier to use with a touch-screen.  Using the hammer wipes out your previous selection, and replaces it with your current choices.  Totally Rad!

And, Oh, have I mentioned Charts!  The new Chart options may be the Best New Feature Yet in Excel 2016!  We’ll talk more about that next week.  Really, really great stuff!
Excel 2016:  This Ain’t Yo Mama’s Spreadsheet App Anymore!

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