Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Beat Goes On…

Since you are reading this blog, it may be likely that you have influence within your company as regards the software they adopt.  When it comes to Excel, a recent survey showed that many companies still use Excel 2003, some use Excel 2007, and a comparative few have adopted Excel 2010.

Once again, since you are a reader of this blog, you are probably and Early Adapter, and would like to see your company update to the latest version of Excel.  To that end, I have condensed the most compelling reasons to update:

Reason to Upgrade from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007

  • More Room:  15 times more rows and 62 times more columns

  • Pivot Tables:  Many enhanced pivot table features

  • Versatile Functions/Formulas:  Over 8 times the number of arguments and length

  • XML Formats:  Better integration with back-end systems

  • Dashboards:  Easily created to track key indicators

 Reasons to upgrade from Excel 2007 to 2010

  • Recording Chart Macros:  Now available in Excel 2010

  • Sparklines:  Great new mini-charts that can enhance understanding of data

  • Statistical Functions:  Financial and math functions, as well as the wizard have been much improved.

  • Conditional Formatting:  Engaging and intuitive new formatting now available in Excel 2010

  • Improved Productivity:  The company’s  Excel Gurus can leverage the enhanced features
Like so many other things in our increasingly technological world, if you don’t keep up on a regular basis, you can one day find yourself being passed by at the parade of progress.

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