Wednesday, October 6, 2010

AutoFill with Week Days

Let’s say that you are working on a project where you want a list of weekdays, but you don’t want to manually enter them in your column or row. What is the solution? Autofill to the Rescue!

Autofill is, of course, a common and highly useful tool that most any regular Excel user is familiar with. You may not have noticed, however, that you can also use this tool for Autofilling Weekdays.

Here’s How You Do This:

• Enter the starting day into a cell (Monday, Tuesday, whatever…)

• Place you mouse pointer over the lower-right corner of the cell (the small black square is the “handle”) until you see the narrow crosshairs appear

Right-click the handle and drag to select the range you want to fill with weekdays

• When you release the mouse button, a dropdown menu will appear

• Select Fill Weekdays

Voila! A filled series of Weekdays! This tip works in Excel 2010 as well as earlier versions, so give it a try some time!

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